尊龙新版官网网页版集团于2017年1月20日, 在成都成立尊龙新版官网网页版集团有限公司党支部。2017年8月在总部成立党团支部筹备小组, 并于2017年10月18日正式成立尊龙新版官网网页版集团党支部、团支部。
尊龙新版官网网页版集团一直以来坚持以党建为引领, 以需求为导向, 坚持以党建带团建, 以实效为目标。未来将继续围绕我们企业经营抓党建, 抓好党建促发展, 利用党建武装我们的政治头脑, 利用党建搞好我们的企业文化建设, 利用党建凝聚我们的全体员工。把党员培养成尊龙新版官网网页版集团的业务骨干, 把尊龙新版官网网页版集团的骨干培养成党员, 把廉政教育贯穿全过程, 使党支部的活动工作真正成为企业看得见的生产力。
2023-06-14 -
2022-07-05 Inherit the red gene and carry forward the red tradition -
2023-04-25 -
2023-04-17 The 2023 Sichuan Popular Literature and Art Research Association was grandly held in the Banquet Hall of Chengdu Jinniu Hotel -
2023-03-16 The trade union meeting of China Reserve Forsen Group was held at the company headquarters -
2023-02-07 China Reserve Fusen launched a visit to the 2023 Spring Festival -
2023-02-07 Warmly congratulate the successful convening of the third congress of the first session of the China Reserve Forsen Trade Union Committee -
2022-07-25 Pay close attention to epidemic prevention and control and build a strong security defense line -
2022-07-11 Learn advanced management experience and improve the management ability of trade unions -
2022-02-24 Experience of "Secretary Longmen array" theme dam meeting